
A Message from the Chairman

Whether you enjoy the underground in Derbyshire and the Peak District for its caves or mines, whether you enjoy sporting caving, digging or cave diving, one day it could be you, or one of your friends, that needs the help of the local cave rescue organisation.

As with all other cave and mountain rescue teams in Britain, DCRO raise their funds from the generous donations of individuals and organisations, but also from standing on street corners collecting donations from the general public.

How YOU can support Cave Rescue

Sign up to one of our events

For the adrenaline junkie or someone just wanting to give it a go and face their fears we are currently running an annual abseil event using the famous bridge 72 in Millers Dale near Buxton full details here and plans are a foot for our own cave related fell race coming very soon.

Make a Donation

It currently cost between £4,000 and £5,000 to run DCRO, excluding any exceptional purchases, all of our income is from donations from individuals or companies. you can also donate items of equipment that we may be in need of. See the Donations page for details on how to make a one time or regular cash donation

Join The Team

Membership of DCRO is open to any individual or body (e.g. a caving club) with an interest in underground exploration and an ability to demonstrate an interest in the furtherance of the Organisation’s objectives. There are three types of Membership.


Open to caving clubs and other groups, we charge £20 per annum and in return you are able to attend the AGM and have a say in how you would like the team to be run

Team Member

It goes without saying that our Team Members are the DCRO! and you too can help to save lives! Most of our team members are active caver’s but we also have a small contingent of non-cavers who provide the vital role of surface support at incidents – to find out about becoming a team member check out the Join the Team page

Supporters group

there are many other ways you can contribute to the team: helping organise fundraising events, offering your skills in PR and marketing, been a casualty on an exercise, providing food during a shout… even washing down the van. Even an few hours attending a fundraiser makes all the difference.