If you can, please help…
It currently costs between £ 4,000 and £ 5,000 per annum to run DCRO. In addition, a contingency fund of several thousand pounds has to be maintained so that major equipment losses or repairs can be carried out when needed without affecting operational viability.
Most annual expenditure is on new or replacement equipment, maintenance of the vehicle, the stores and equipment or on the training programe. Well under 10% of the total is spent on administration.
Income is mostly from donations and the fund raising efforts of DCRO and its members.
You can Donate Online through PayPal by clicking the link below. You do not need a PayPal account.
Subscription income from clubs and organisations rarely exceeds £200 per annum. If you would like to subscribe to DCRO, please contact the Treasurer.
DCRO is a registered charity (No. 1017362).
Gift Aid is a scheme used by charities and donors to reclaim tax on charitable donations. This means if you are a tax payer the DCRO can reclaim tax on your recorded donations.
For every £1 you give, DCRO will receive an extra 25p.
If you would like to make a cash or cheque donation Please click here and print out a copy of the Gift Aid Form, fill it in as appropriate and include it with your Donation.
To make a postal donation, send a cheque, payable to Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation, to the Treasurer by post to:
143 Wilsthorpe Road,
Long Eaton,
NG10 3LJ
Tel: 0115-973-1177